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These photos are of washed kid mohair being dyed, but you can dye roving and yarn too. Start as you would any other dye process and soak the fibres thoroughly first. A dab of vinegar helps in the soaking too.
These small trays I got in Woolworths (I think) and take about 100g of fibre comfortably. If your oven is bigger, use a bigger tray. I found that yarn likes a little more room and a slightly deeper tray, depending, of course, on the size of your skein.
Add another decent dab of vinegar to the water before adding the dyes – you want the colour to be fully absorbed, so that no dye is wasted and rinsing is quick and painless. In the same vein, don’t over do it when adding the dyes. For this one, I just sprinkled the powder on directly – the heat will encourage the dye to filter downwards, keeping the mottled effect intended. With yarn I found that it preferred the dye in a solution.
After about 10 or 15 minutes, I check to see how it’s all going, and if the fibres need to be pushed down again, I reach for my wooden spoon. At this stage you can normally tell how the dyeing is going – gently lift a corner of the fibres/yarn, and if all’s well, you’ll see the water at the bottom has taken on colour. If the water is still clear, encourage the dye to sink with your spoon again. It may be that you have over packed the dye bath, in which case some of the fibres might need dyeing again.
Back to the oven, and after a total of 20 minutes I take the fibres out and let them cool. Twenty mins is the average time; occasionally they need longer, but do remember to check to avoid over cooking. Let them cool naturally with or without the foil lid – I leave mine on for a slow cool, but if I’m in a hurry I leave it open. A slow cool allows the fibres to absorb any remaining dye and naturally get back to a safe temperature. Remember we’re trying to avoid shocking those fibres!
When cool enough to handle, it’s time for rinsing. Again, I use my judgement here and rinse at roughly the same temperature as the water in the tray. If the water is rinsing with colour, too much dye was added (or not enough heat or vinegar) so bear this in mind and remember for next time. Wasted dye not only costs you money but isn’t good for the environment. If I find that there is excess dye to rinse, then I use hotter water (gradually getting cooler each rinse) and avoid stirring, to speed up the dye removal process. You’ll find some colours, particularly those containing turquoise, bleed more – experience tells me that extra vinegar is the key.
Once rinsed and water running clear, spread the fibres or hang the yarn for drying. I use those super handing drying racks, but a few old towels can be just as good. Just make sure air can circulate. I also re-use all the foil and roasting trays, being a good girl and keeping all my dye equipment for dyeing only. Because you use a lid when in the oven, there’s no risk of spillage or splattering, so it’s safe enough to do around your kitchen.
Typically, I can’t find the photo of the yarn that this lot of fibre became, and it’s long since been sold, but here’s another one done in exactly the same way – I dye all my kid mohair and \Wensleydale this way, and most of my rovings too. Unless you’ve got a catering oven, this method isn’t ideal for batch dyeing. But it is handy to do whilst you are using the stove top or microwave, and ideal for just a quick dye job. It’s another method after all.
I won’t patronise about health and safety, ok, you know how to be careful!
Oops, forgot to say which dyes – doh. It would help, huh?
These are the ‘Easy Acid’ dyes, available from either Kemtex or Omega. I generally use regular acid dyes, which require more acetic acid (vinegar) and are stronger in colour, but highly recommend these easy dyes for anyone new to the craft or for those who don’t do a lot of dyeing.
Update @2 – I think I need to clarify a point here, to avoid any confusion…
Yes, you must use separate utensils, vessels, etc. for dyeing – do not use them for food once dye has come into contact with them.
If you are dyeing in the oven, you will be covering your tray or pot, and so they are pretty safe – uncovered dye pots are another matter and should be some distance from food, to avoid splashing or spillages.
Microwave dyeing is also safe, unless you’re too splash happy or leave the bag/container open – check this tutorial.
I’ve got a small kitchen, and it will be even smaller in the bus, so have found ways of juggling space and time. But at the end of the day if you’re not comfortable using your oven, then you don’t have to 🙂
As always, if you have a question about this technique or need some help with it, leave a comment below! I’m afraid I’m unable to offer help via email or private message, but you’re welcome to post in our forum.
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Is there no end to your inventiveness? I am utterly entranced with the thought of a home-baked fibre cake!
thank you so much for that one Ruthy, I wondered about getting a steamer for the job but can’t do with the extra expense just now…this is a much better way for me. cheeeeers
Thank you for a fantastic tutorial!
The yarn looks fab. What dyes do you use?
Thank you! I have been musing about the posibilities of dying yarn in the oven (since our microwave is titchy and it seems a little excessive to buy a massive one just so I can dye in it) and you have already worked it all out!
Hi!!! I’m catching up with blogs after a bit. I love your needle tips, and your new hat patterns.
And while on the subject of Bloglines (not!), could you please one day explore why your blog doesn’t get updated on my Google Reader? I went in and did something on “Publishers” from the Reader home page to claim my blog as mine and it has really increased my readership (I think).
Meow Thrmp.
Fab tutorial! Now I know how to dye properly. When I used Kool-Aid, all the colours merged!
The needle jewelry is wonderful. I know folks will be interested.
If you’d like, come to my site and share your address so my members can view them….they might open their wallets to you.
Thanks for the tutorial, Ruth. I dye almost exactly the same way on the stove top. I really should do a turorial too as I did take some pictures.
Will you be on the road soon? It is exciting hearing the progress
are you sure these are ok to do alongside food? I use ashford acid dyes and i was told not to use in a pot that will be used for food or in the same micro as i use for food as its not advised safety wise. Just wanted to ask 1. as i would hate you to not know and 2. if your dyes are safe I need to get me some LOL
This was the tutorial I used to learn to dye fibre all that time ago
Blast from the past