I’m often being asked for an online reference for standard head sizes. There are a few websites that offer up what a S, M or L should be, but personally I don’t find the measurements all that accurate. Then there’s the lack of length given – most of the measurement charts concern themselves with circumference only, which is crucial to having a Hat fit properly, but the length is also key, too.
It’s been bugging me for a while, and so many people have enquired, so I’ve decided to start gathering more info to be able to work out some accurate results.
To get the best results, I need as many people as possible to take the following measurements. I also need age, too, as many people aren’t aware how the head changes with age, and that it really is much bigger than most think from a young age. Gender helps determine a ‘typical’ size, which is something many people enquire about.
I’ve tried to get some nice illustrations prepared to help demonstrate where you need to measure, so here we have some cleverly disguised images of Tom to help with our purpose. (doesn’t he Photoshop nicely?)
The first measurement needed is around the widest part of your head. From your forehead, over your hair, over that potruding part at the back and back round to your forehead again. The tape measure needs to be fairly snug. Sometimes it’s best to take the measurement a few times to check you’re got it in the right place. This is the standard head measurement given for head/Hat sizes, and will make up the first part of the data.
This image above shows how to measure the depth needed for Hat measurements. This needs to be from the crown of your head right down to the base of your ear, where your earlobe meets the side of your face. It’s a fairly straight line down, and follows the gentle curve of your head. This measurement is the one I get asked most about from people designing Hats!
So, here’s how you can help. Please post a comment with the following information:-
- Age – babies to 2yrs to the nearest 3mths, under 18’s to the nearest year, over 18 please state ‘adult’
- Head circumference in centimetres
- Head length in centimetres
- Sex
Please, please give measurements in metric, to the nearest 0.25cm if possible. I will provide imperial measurements when I publish the results, but they aren’t as accurate for calculating with I’m afraid!
Also, emails get lost so please leave a comment with the info – it will be much easier for me to sort everything out if it’s all in one place!
As an example, here’s my measurements: 1) adult 2) 61.25cm 3) 24.25cm 4) female
You can do this totally anonymously, that’s fine, you don’t need to have a blog or provide your email addy – just leave a comment below. All results will be used to calculate a more accurate average and will not be used for any other purpose. I’d also appreciate your help in spreading the word – the more people that help out, the more accurate the results! Measure yourself, your family, your neighbours and friends! (but not your dog)
Once it’s all done, I’ll add the chart to the sizing page on my website and provide the data in PDF format, too.
I’ll leave this open for a few weeks, as a few hundred different sets of numbers would be desirable – I’m not afraid of the maths 😉
Thanks in advance!
Here you go.
1) adult 2)56cm 3)20cm 4)female
1) adult 2)56cm 3)21cm 4)male
1) 8yrs 2)54cm 3) 19cm 4)male
1) 5yrs(but 3-4 clothes) 2)51cm 3)20cm 4)male
1) 2yrs 2)49cm 3)18cm 4)male
Hope they help and good luck with the maths!
Adult 82 yrs
54.5 com
21.5 cm
Thanks for this , I have been thinking about gathering this data for a little while now.
1) Adult 2) 58.5cm 2) 19.5cm 4) Female
Just come over from Ravelry to post this:
1) Adult 2) 55cm 3) 21cm 4) Female
Goodluck with it.
1) adult 2) 56 cm 3)21.25 4) female
1) Adult 2) 57cm 3) 22cm 4) Female
1)adult 2) 57cm 3) 22.5cm 4) female
1) adult 2) 56cm 3) 23cm 4) female
1) adult 2) 62.5cm 3) 26cm 4) male1) adult 2) 59cm 3) 22cm 4) female
1) adult 2) 57.5cm 3) 23cm 4) female
1) adult 2)57cm 3)22.5cm 4)female
1) adult 2)57cm 3)19cm 4) female
1) adult 2)55cm 3)20cm 4) female
Thank you!
1) adult
He has a large head!
3) 20.25cm
Interesting to see the differences.
1. adult
2.54.5 cm
3.20.25 cm
4. female
Aw… I have a small head. XD
– adult
– 56.5 cm
– 22 cm
– female
1. adult
2. 56.5
3. 22cm
4. female
Hey, who’s silke? We have identical heads!
PS: What you’re calling head width is actually circumference. But doesn’t seem to have worried anyone other than me!
1) adult 2) 55.5 3)20.5 4)female
There always has to be one pedantic one, eh Lixie…? 😉
I’ll go edit the post and use the correct terminology.
1) adult
2) 58.25 cm
3) 23 cm
4) female
1)wriggly 2.5 year old 2)51cm 3)18cm 4)M
1)jumpy almost 5 year old 2)52cm 3)19.5cm 4)M
1)adult 2)58cm 3)22cm 4)F
1)adult 2)59cm 3)21.25cm 4)M
1) adult 2) 61.25 3)22.25 4)female
1) adult
3) 21.5cm
1) adult 2) 58.5cm 3) 24.0cm 4) female (and apparently I have a smaller head than I thought, despite being 6’0″ tall!)
1) adult 2) 55cm 3) 21cm 4) female
1) adult 2) 59 cm 3) 23 cm 4) female
yes, I’m large boned
1) adult 2) 59.5 cm 3) 22.25 cm 4) female
Love your designs. And yes, I have a large head it seems.
* 1) adult 2) 53cm 3) 20.5cm 4) female
* 1) 9yo 2) 55cm 3) 20cm 4) female
* 1) 6yo 2) 51cm 3) 18cm 4) female
* 1) adult 3) 60cm 3) 21cm 4) male
And Aran’s measurements:-
1)9mths 2)44.5cm 3)15.75cm 4)male
We could use some measurements for little people, if anyone has one at hand!
Thanks for everyone’s input so far – it’s very much appreciated 🙂
Head Circ – 58.5cm
Length – 17cm
1) Adult 2) 58.25cm 3) 20.5cm 4) Female
1) adult
2) 56cm
3) 24cm
4) female
1)adult 2)58.5 cm 3)22.25 cm 4)female
1) adult
2) 55.75 cm
3) 21 cm
4) female
1) adult 2) 56 cm 3) 22.25 cm 4) female
1)adult 2)58 cm 3)23 cm 4)female
1)adult 2)57cm 3)19cm 4)female
1) adult 2) 56cm 3) 19 cm 4) female
Will try to send a few more hat knitters over, do you mind if I do it with a blog post?
1) 2 1/2 years old 2) 50cm 3) 15cm 4) male
Hi Ruth
1) Adult 2) 58.75cms 3)23.25cms 4) Female
Great idea!! but your welcome to all the math. Thanks .
1) adult 2) 60 3) 21 4) female
1) adult 2) 57.2 3) 21.5 4) male
circumference- 61
head length- 21
3 months
1. Adult, 2. 54.6 cm, 3. 20.5 cm, 4. Female
Maybe it is too late to suggest this but it might be more accurate to measure from base of ear to base of ear (over the top of the head) and then divide by 2 to get the measurement you want.
Sure, that’s one way to do it!
Although if people don’t take the measurement over the top of the head via the crown, they won’t get the right measurement, make sense? The top of the middle of your head to ear is much shorter than crown to ear, and it’s the crown to ear base that we want 🙂
62 cm
25 cm
1) 18 months 2) 44cm 3) 17cm 4) female
1) adult 2) 56cm 3) 20cm 4) female
1) adult 2) 57cm 3) 21cm 4) male
1)adult 2)58 3)21 4)female
1)adult 2)58 3)23 4)female
1)16 2)60 3)23 4)male
1)15 2)60 3)24,5 4)male
1)7,5 2)60 3)23 4)female
my husband is away on business, so I’ll add him later…and if you make it all the way to the heel of Italy do contact me! There’s always room for a few more at our dinner table (three teens and one child!!!!) =) Tea ie teacosy on Rav
1)adult 2)56cm 3)22cm 4)female
Posted on my blog too :o)
6 yr
3 yr
60 yr
57 cm
23.7 cm
adult, 57 cm, 23.5cm, female.
1) adult 2) 55,5cm 3)23.0cm 4) Female
1)adult 2)59,9cm 4)23.0 cm 4) Male
1. adult
2. 54.50 cm
3. 20.25 cm
4. female
Adult, 55cm,22cm,female
1) adult
2) 56 cm
3) 21.5 cm
4) female
1)adult 2) 57 cm 3) 21.5 4)male
1)adult 2)56.25 3)22cm 4)female
1)9yo 2)54 3)21 4)male
1)11yo 2)56.25 3)20 4)female
1 adult
2 56cm
3 22cm
4 female
Pinned down the rest of my family and measured their heads too. Here’s the info:
1. Adult, 59 cm, 22 cm, male
2. Adult, 56 cm, 22 cm, male
3. adult, 55 cm, 20.5 cm, female
Adult, 61 cm, 22.5 cm, female
Adult, 57 cm, 23.5 cm, male
I thought I had a large head, but I’m looking rather average so far.
2)56.5 cm
3)21 cm
1) adult 2) 55.8cm 3) 23.7 cm 4) female
1) adult 2) 56.5cm 3) 23.7 cm 4)male
1) 9 years 2) 52 cm 3) 19 cm 4) male
1) 5 years 2) 18.7 cm 3) 19 cm 4) male
1) Baby – 6 months 2) 46cm 3) 15cm 4) Male
1) Adult 2) 56cm 3) 23cm 4) Female
1. 2 years of age
2. 53.5 cm circumference
3. 18 cm depth
4. male
1)adult 2)59 cm 3)24 cm 4)male
HI ,
1) 3 yrs. 2} 53.2 3) 15.1 Boy
1) Adult 2) 57.3 3) 20 female
1)Adult 2)61cm 3)22cm 4)Female
1)12mth 2)48cm 3)19cm 4) Male
(Wow he has a big head! LOL)
1)2yr old child
1) 3 years
2) 52cm
3) 35.5cm
4) Male
1) 3 months 2)40cm 3)14cm 4)female
2) 2 years 2)50cm 3)20cm 4)male
3) adult 2)57cm 3)23cm 4)female
1) Adult 2, 55.5cm, 3, 22cm, Female (honest)
2) 11 yrs, 50.5cm, 18cm, Female
3) 8 yrs, 51.5cm, 17cm, female
4) 7 yrs 51cm, 18cm, female
5) 7 yrs, 52.5cm, 18cm, female
1) adult 2) 54.5cm 3) 19cm 4) female
1) 15 months 2)47cm 3) 13.5cm 4) female
1. Adult, 57.5 cm, 22 cm, female
1) adult; 57.5 cm; 20.5 cm; female
2) adult; 62.5 cm; 22.75 cm; male
Wow thought I’d posted my details days ago, but they’re not here, here goes again.
1)Me@8years2)54.5cm3)?4)me as girl
1)Me@27yrs 2)56cm 3)? 4)young woman
I was surprised to find my head had grown a bit more, from in my twenties,there goes my theory that it’s nearly full size at 8.
1)adult2)56cm3)19cm4)female(my mum)
1)18mths 2)58.5cm 3)? 4)male
This boy had a bigger head than me, at that age!, bet he’ll grow very tall!
Hi, measured today.
1)Adult: 2)58cm: 3)22cm:4)Female
1)8yrs : 2)53cm: 3)19cm:4)Male
1)10yrs: 2)55cm: 3)19cm:4)Female
1)2yrs : 2)48cm: 3)15cm:4)Female
Hope this helps
1)Adult 2)57cm 3)22 4)Female
1)7.5 months 2)47cm 3)17cm 4)Male
I have 8 currently at home in my family, should give you a good sampling.
1) adult 2) 57 3) 20 4) male
1) adult 2) 58 3) 24 4) female
1) adult 2) 55 3) 19 4) male
1) 16 2) 58 3) 19 4) male
1) 13 2) 53 3) 20.5 4) female
1) 10 2) 56 3) 20 4) female
1) 8 2) 54 3) 20 4) male
1) 19 mos 2) 48 3) 18 4) female
I also forwarded your link to my oldest daughter so she can measure her family of 4. Best of luck, hope it helps you!
1) 6.5 mo 2)44 3)15 4)female
1) 3yrs 2)53 3)21.5 4)male
1) adult 2)58 3)21.5 4)female
1) adult 2)57.5 3)23 4)male
1) adult 2) 56.5 3) 23 4) female
Hi Ruth,
Here’s mine:
1) adult 2) 54.61cm 3) 20.32cm 4) female.
And hubby’s:
1) adult 2) 58.42cm 3) 21.59cm 4) male.
Happy figuring!!
Jean in Maine
Sorry, posted it in wrong bit!
Joseph, age 3, 52cm round, and 17 cm crown to base of ear.
1) Adult
2) 58 cm
3) 23 cm
4) Female
Here’s a stray Aussie!
a) adult
b) 55.5cm
c) 22cm
d) female
Yes, I have a small skull, and thin hair.
1) adult 2) 56cm 3) 21.5cm 4) female
add to this that I am bald, so my meassurements are like for those with Chemo hair
1)adult 2)57 3)22 4)f
male, age 8yr.7mo
circumference: 55 cm
Crown to ear 13.5 cm
Crown to nape of neck 21 cm
male, age 6 yr. 7 mo
circumference: 52 cm
Crown to ear 13.0 cm
Crown to nape 22 cm
copy 2 of post
male, age 8yr.7mo
circumference: 55 cm
mid crown to top of ear 13.5 cm
mid crown to nape of neck 21 cm
male, age 6 yr. 7 mo
circumference: 52 cm
mid crown to top of ear 13.0 cm
mid crown to nape of ceck 22 cm
Hope this is not too late.
1. Adult
2. 58.5cms
3. 23cms
4. Male
1. Adult
2. 58.25cms
3. 21cms
4. Female
1 adult
2 62cm
3 24cm
4 male
adult, 57cm, 22cm, female
1 child -4 yo
2 49.5cm
3 20 cm
4 male
1 adult
2 56cm
3 23cm
4 female
1 child 5.5
2 52cm
3 19.5cm
4 female
I also have baby head circ-es from when the kids were little if you find them of any help, but no length obviously:
1. 0mns 34cm female
2. 1mns 38cm female
3. 4mns 42cm female
4. 6mns 44cm female
5. 9mns 45cm female
6. 10mns 46cm female
1. 0mns 33cm male
2. 2mns 37.5cm male
3. 6mns 42cm male
1) Adult
2) 55cm
3) 22cm
4) Female
Thanks for doing this! It should be very interesting!! Here’s mine:
1) adult, 2) 57cm, 3) 22cm, 4) female
1) adult 2) 57,5 cm 3) 21 cm, 4) female
59.7 cm/22.9 cm/female/adult
1) Man’s head 55 YO 2) 61 cm 3) 33 cm24"
1) Adult 2) 57.8cm 3)22 cm – female
1) Adult 2) 53.75 3) 21.5 4) female
1) adult 2) 57 3) 22 4) f
Adult Female 56 years old
1. 62.2 cm
2. 20 cm
1) adult 2) 54.5cm 3) 22cm 4) male
1) adult 2) 56cm 3) 25cm 4) female