Hello and welcome! I hope those of you familiar with me will be aware of my values, but if you need a reminder, you can find my Inclusion & Equity policy here:
The policy is a work in progress and feedback is always welcome.
For the forums this means that no bigotry or hate speech will be tolerated. No racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, fatphobia or discrimination based on religious group or identity will be tolerated.
I would hope that this goes without saying but I'll say it anyways: this statement is not about party politics - it's about being welcoming and accepting of our fellow human beings, and understanding that we don't all share the same priviledges or experiences.
We're a diverse and varied group, and that's a beautiful thing! Please help us to keep it that 🙂
My new forum is currently being built – I appreciate your patience!
Whilst we wait for the new website and forum to be finished, you can chat with your fellow Hatters and share your WIPs, FOs or ask questions by popping to my Ravelry group or my Facebook group. Our moderators are friendly and knowledgeable and they’ll have you finishing up your Hats in no time at all 🙂